Scientists revealed that calendars with sexy women and images of nude models published in newspapers make men think of women as objects. In a study men were shown pictures of models in bikinis. Scientists noticed on brain scans that when men watch such images, a certain area in the brain lights up, and that area usually lights up when men think about DIY tools as well as other objects.
Brains scans also showed that the area in the brain that men use to tune into another individual's thoughts and emotions tunes down.
"The only other time we have seen this is when people look at pictures of the homeless or of drug addicts because they really don't want to think about what is going on in their minds," mentioned the study's lead researcher Susan Fiske of Princeton University in the U.S..
It might be obvious, but still, the scientific team also discovered through brain scans that men enjoyed looking at nude women more than at fully clothed ones. The researchers presented their report on the study and its results at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual conference where they concluded that when shown images of topless women men are led to think of women as "less than human". Fiske stated that in case there are girlie calendars in the workplace, they could lead men to sexualize their female colleagues.
"I am not saying there should be censorship but people need to know of the associations people have in their minds," outlined the professor.
When she was asked whether women had the same effect when seeing half-dressed men, Fiske stated that women were more inclined to rate age and bank balance over a man's look.